developed and published by runic games, torchlight ii was released for pc in september watch greatname play torchlight 2 with the synergies mod, winner of moddb's best overhaul mod of 2013. gaming pastime reviews torchlight ii and the synergiesmod for pc. let's play the paladin class (synergies mod) ronon1983. hey everyone, it's time for me to play the paladin.
hey all, this video is just to show the current state of watch greatname play torchlight 2 with the synergies mod, winner of moddb's best overhaul mod of 2013. Watch greatname play torchlight 2 with the synergies mod, winner of moddb's best overhaul mod of 2013. Torchlight 2 Synergies Mod Paladin #12 The Current Paladin